Instrument Donation


Do you have an instrument collecting dust in the attic?

Donate an instrument you no longer use and help tomorrow’s young artists today! In collaboration with San Francisco-based Music in Schools Today, Music at Kohl Mansion collects used musical instruments and distributes them to local schools. We give students an opportunity to learn how to play music, even if they may otherwise not be able to afford an instrument. Donations are tax-deductible. Learn more.

During the 2022-23 season, more than 60 instruments were offered for adoption by 20 schools.

Call the Music at Kohl office at 650.762.1130 for more information or to make an appointment to drop off your donated instrument. To expedite the process, you may download, print and complete the form below and bring it with your instrument. Donate an instrument today!

Instrument Donation Form

Thank you, KDFC for your support of our Instrument Donation Program!

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